Friday, December 28, 2007

Stoopid Kristians

"Madeline Murry O'Hare is trying to stop Christian Broadcasting...."
"Barack Obama was raised a Muslim and wants to overthrow Christianity..."
"Janet Reno called Christianity a cult......"
All it takes is one ignorant, naive, easily lead follower of Jesus with an internet connection and Christianity gets a black eye for being full of dummies. Early one in my internet experience I too fell victim to internet fraud. However I found such wonderful places like to verify the truth about e-mails I receive. I have helped many find the path to enlightenment by directing them to Snopes or other such sites. However, some like my daughter don't always check things out before they send it to me, so I have no resort but to hit "reply all" when I send back my reply. Therefore I am able to educate all who were sent the ignorant message.
Why do some people find it so hard to actually read and think about what they get in their e-mail? Are they so used to having their thinking done for them by their doctors, pastors, and elected officials that they can no longer think for themselves? How blissful it would be if people were taught to think before they react.
By the way, I don't always like the conclusions that Snopes comes to, therefore I use other means to verify weird e-mails.


Jim said...

Don't ever tell anyone to think for themselves - it really, really makes them unhappy.

kickinagainstthepricks said...

That's the truth.