Monday, December 31, 2007

The Kid, the Computer, and Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome

My son decided I needed a new computer. My old Gateway gave up the ghost and my laptop is in early stages of Alzheimers. So Andy Claus bought dear old dad a new Gateway desktop (nice to have a kid with a good job). However he decided Dad needed to download World of Warcraft so he could teach an old dog new tricks. Well, that's where the carpal/tunnel comes in. It didn't take log until these old hands started to seize up as they attempted to guide my character through the virtual landscape. Of course I was sitting at the computer for an hour at a time! My hands weren't the only thing that was aching either. WOW is fun, but I can see the danger it presents to kids and adults. No, not the "it's Satanic", "it has Mages and Warlocks and other un-Christian stuff", or "there's to much violence". My concern is the time it can use up. We only have 24 hours in a day and WOW (or any video game for that matter) can suck away an inordinate amount of a person's day. Technology comes with a cost, and the cost is responsiblity. How many of us (Christians that is) lament the fact that we don't have time for prayer or daily devotions, yet can wile away many hours in front of a computer doing anything from gaming to cruising the internet and not think a think about it? There is a spiritual lesson to be learned here and I'll discuss that next time.

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